Our Balustrade Gallery:

We have been the manufacturer of precast concrete balustrades and other decorative concrete around New Jersey and Pennsylvania since 1992. Below are photos of Vytas Ornamental Concrete Balustrades installed in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Virginia etc. Some of these balusters were installed back in the early 1990’s, more than 30 years ago.

Click thumbnails to enlarge:

NEW: Our Contemporary precast Balustrade Type 5 with round posts in North Carolina.

NEW: 4×4″ thin light weight Urethane balusters in Rahway, NJ (see installed)

Shorter 23″ Type 6 Balusters with plan posts and spheres, installed in Mahwah, NJ

Installing Type 1 balustrade  with matching Urns on top of 14x14x42″ Posts, Little Falls, NJ

Type 1 balustrade installed decades ago ages beautifully. West Chester, PA

Close up of Concrete Railing with Type 2 balusters

Type 1 Balustrade, with Type 3 balusters used as posts, in Atlantic City, NJ.

Concrete balusters installed in  1995 with bottom rail, as recommended

Type 1 balusters with curved radius railing, NY.

Short 6x6x23″ Type 6 balustrade in Pittsburgh, PA.

Type 1 balusters at a resort in Poconos, PA with lights underneath. 2023

Our shorter, Type 6 balusters with lights underneath in Basking Ridge, NJ

Type 3 balustrade in Yonkers, NY

Type 1 concrete balustrade at Gannon builders residence in New Jersey

Concrete Balustrade with 45 degree mitered posts in City Line Philadelphia, PA.

Type 2 balusters in Pittsburgh, PA

Type 1 Balustrade at Water Side, Bensalem, PA

Concrete Railing with Balusters in Pennsylvania (Type 1)

Precast Balusters with Concrete Railing installed on a patio

Concrete Balusters at Capitol Builders residence, Washington DC.

Type 1 concrete balusters on Hudson river, NY.

Precast balustrade at City Line, outside Philadelphia, PA.

Vytas Ornamental balusters being installed in New York 1990’s by Vytas Abrutis

Type 2 balusters installed in New Jersey.

Another view of Type 2 balusters installed in New Jersey

Precast Balustrade installed in West Chester, PA.

Vytas Ornamental Carved Stone Balusters (Type 2) in New Jersey

Type 4 balustrade at Better Homes Builders residence in Westfield, NJ

Type 4 balusters at builders residence in Westfield, New Jersey

Type 1 balusters with our columns on top of the newel post

Type 1 balustrade on lake Erie, in Buffalo, NY

Type 8 balustrade being installed in Washington, DC

Type 1 balusters above Salt Lake City, Utah 2023.